Call Indonesia Now at the Level of an African Poor Country, Prabowo Subianto Admits Sadness and Concern

Channel Nasional. The General Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, stressed that Indonesia is currently on a level with a number of poor countries in the African Continent.

Prabowo's statement, which is also the presidential candidate 02, who challenged incumbent Joko Widodo (Jokowi), was delivered in front of thousands of worshipers of the Qur'anic Interpretation Council (MTA) on Ronggowarsito Street, Solo City, Sunday.

"We (Indonesia) are on a level with poor countries in the Continent of Africa, there are Rwanda, Haiti and the small islands of Kiribati, you don't know where they are," Prabowo told
The former Kopassus Danjen continued, if he was sad to see that fact, because of mistakes in managing the country.

"That's what makes us sad, our country is the fourth largest in the world and the sixth richest in the world," he assured the worshipers.
Prabowo admitted, there were many things that were his concern, as almost half of the Indonesian people still earn an average of Rp. 30 thousand per day and the country's wealth is brought abroad.

"That's what means to make our nation still poor, even though it's been 73 years of independence," he explained.
He further pointed out, the amount of energy sources contained in Indonesia's earth, controlled by foreigners and allowed to be exported in raw form.

"For example alumina, aluminum raw materials used to make cars and so on, are permitted to be exported," he explained.

"The parties use Indonesian people, to control the wealth of our earth."

He added if, his team had a lot of data related to mistakes in managing the country, so it would be distributed freely to the public.
"I carry data and facts, I have findings, I don't want to be accused of inciting," he said.
So he left the data that had been compiled in the form of a book called Paradox Indonesia.

"Especially for the Majlis (MTA), I left the data, along with 1,000 copies of the book free," he explained.

Message from Ahmad Sukina

During the recitation, the founder of the MTA then welcomed the presence of presidential candidate (carpres) 02, Prabowo who was sitting accompanied by the Chairman of the PAN Honorary Council, Amien Rais.

Without going out at length, Sukina said if there were two carpres who were competing in the 2019 Presidential Election.

"He (Prabowo) is a carpres, one must be," said Sukina in front of thousands of worshipers in the second floor MTA building, Jalan Rongggowarsito, Banjarsari District, Solo City.
However, Sukina explained if the one meant was if one of the candidates would win the 2019 presidential election in April.

Channel Nasional. "What is meant by one is, yes, one of them, it is impossible for both of them to become presidents," he said, greeted with glee.

He asserted, if MTA is not a political party or community organization (mass organization) affiliated with politics.

"Not because he (Prabowo) came to the congregation overflowing, but every Sunday morning, this is it, he is a friend," he explained.
"If you don't believe pilgrims are overflowing, please come here every Sunday morning."

As for Prabowo, he was given space to speak in front of the congregation from 11.26 to 11.44.
"I am nervous, usually I am asked to talk about nationality, economy and politics," he admitted.

The former Kopassus Danjen then introduced himself as a national child, not a presidential candidate.
"I will talk to others, our country is on the wrong path," he said, starting the speech.

According to him, with wrong governance, it will not be possible to bring people prosperous.
"The wealth of the nation does not live in Indonesia, we are increasingly weak and not strong," he explained vehemently.


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