Stories of Tsunami Survivors in Tanjung Lesung to Carita

Fakta Id. The tsunami hit the waters of the Sunda Strait. Dozens of houses damaged by waves. There were many victims in this event, but there were also some survivors in this incident.
"Based on data collected at 23.30 WIB on Sunday, 229 people died," said BNPB Head of Data, Information and Public Relations, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

Of the 229 people who died from the tsunami, there were also people who survived and survived the ruins of buildings in several locations affected by the tsunami. The survivors are:

1. Named Ali Boy on Carita Beach

Starting from Ali, the tsunami victim at Carita Beach survived. Previously, Ali was found by the Banten Police Mobile Brigade Dansat team. The boy was found under the wreckage of a car damaged by waves. Ali, who was helped by police officers, finally survived the wreckage of the car. When saved, Ali's whole body was wet, the clothes he was wearing also looked wet, and his face was very pale.

Ali is said to have minor injuries, and is currently handled by the Banten Police Headquarters Bid near Mutiara Resort Carita Beach. At the moment Ali is in police custody, updating his current condition is said to have recovered.

2. Ifan 'Seventeen' Congratulations on Anyer Beach, Tanjung Lesung

The Seventeen band vocalist is also one of the survivors of the tsunami in Tanjung Lesung. Ifan was performing with Seventeen at the time to entertain the PLN family gathering participants. At that time, Ifan said, there were no signs of a tsunami. He revealed, the atmosphere of the beach when it was calm there was no sign of a tsunami that killed many people.

"No, nothing. It's really calm, the waves are small, the wind isn't there either. Calm down, calm down. We didn't expect anything. Only in the distance we could see the mountain of Anak Anak Krakatau. We just didn't think there is a wave, "Ifan said on Sunday.

At that time, the first song Seventeen successfully entertained the participants of the meeting. However, when entering the second song, the tsunami hit the stage instantly. At present, another Seventeen crew, bassist named Bani was found dead. Following that, Herman, the guitarist, who was also a legislative candidate from the PKB, also passed away. Ifan also mentioned that the Seventeen road manager, Oki Wijaya, also died.

3. Khatam (26), A Fisherman

Khatam recounted, at that time he and five other people at the time of the incident were on a boat looking for fish. Suddenly, he said, from the sea, big waves appeared that hit the ship.

He did not know how high the waves were, which clearly he only knew because the high waves he had thrown about 500 meters from the point of the boat being boarded. At that time he survived because he was caught in a stretch tree, so Khatam suffered wounds in the hips and legs.

Although he survived, Khatam said that five of his siblings had died, some had not yet been found.

4. Zack, Seventeen Crew

Besides Ifan, one of Seventeen's crew, there was a survivor of the tsunami, he was named Zack. Zack claimed to be congratulated by holding on to a stage iron pole which collapsed due to the waves.
He told me that the iron was on a tree so that it could be a savior for him. He also asked for a prayer for Seventeen personnel who until now had not been found.

In addition, in his Instagram Story, he shared stories about his shoes which were silent witnesses to the tsunami.

"The remaining one shoe is a living witness, I rolled the tsunami waves in Tanjung Lesung. In the water, I can only pray" Lord Jesus, please! "The last few breaths were almost gone ... Suddenly holding the former iron stage collapsed ... his

5. Ade Jigo

One of the comedians, Ade Jigo, was also a survivor of the tsunami in the Sunda Strait. He is also one of the performers at the PLN family gathering.

Ade went to Tanjung Lesung with his wife, Meyuza. But now the wife is known to have died because of this incident.

6. Emerald vocalist, Krisyanto

The vocalist of the Jamrud band, Krisyanto, also survived this incident. When the tsunami water arrived, he claimed to have immediately fled to the higher ground when the tsunami began to block.

"I took refuge in the brader plateau. I am now at my parents' house for three days at Carita. It happened at 9 pm the tsunami wave. People were running around screaming 'tide'. One village evacuated all to higher ground brader," wrote Krisyanto in an WhatsApp group.


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